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Monday, February 28, 2011

Template- "Too cute to care" template from my friend Sarah's blog here. She has some great stuff there!
Tube- I used a bonus PinUp Toon tube from when CILM was open. You can find the artwork here now.
Scrap kit- "Love Whispers" a PTU kit from WickedPrincessScraps. Visit her blog here for info on purchasing this awesome kit.
Plug ins- EyeCandy 4000- gradient glow & glass 
Font- honeybunches

Open template, shift+D to duplicate, close out original, delete copyright layer, raster 7, and copy of raster 7
Resize to 600 wide-all layers checked. Resize canvas if you want more room to work with.
Highlight Raster 3. Selections>Select All>Float>Defloat. Copy/paste paper 7. Selections>invert. hit delete on your keyboard. Deselect and delete original layer
Repeat the above steps using PP7 for copy of raster 3, PP1 for raster 4
When you do raster 2, before you deselect, paste a close up of your tube in the selection and hit delete. 
Deselect, delete original layer.
On close up Adjust>sharpness>unsharp mask with these settings- radius: 43, strength: 25, clipping: 25, Luminance unchecked. Apply. Change blend mode to Luminance (L). Add a slight drop shadow.
On each of the layers I added a fat gradient glow (width 3) and a slight fuzzy drop shadow (0,0,50,10)
Add and place your elements, resizing and adding a drop shadow as you go
I used:
double heart arrow
shoesting heart bow
fancy glitter butterfly- rotate 20 degrees to the right, duplicate/resize, duplicate/resize/mirror
heart wreath frame- duplicate/mirror
Place main tube, duplicate. On the copy layer, Adjust>blur>gaussian blur, 3
change blend mode to Overlay, lower opacity to around 72. drop shadow original layer
Resize if needed
add copyright and lisence info
add name, apply glass and add gradient glow
save and you're done!
Hope you liked my tut, I'd love to see your results :)

Supplies used:
Template- 0017 from Juicy Bits. You can get it here
A few tubes and close-ups from the same artist. I used the artwork of Keith Garvey. You can find his stuff here
Filters used- Xero radiance and Fritillary, Eye Candy 4000 Glass
Font of choice- grand stylus

Open template, shift+D, delete original

Delete copyright info and layers 4&5.

Make layer [3] active, selections>select all, float, defloat. create a gradient with 2 colors from your main tube with the following settings:
Linear, angle-45, repeats-5

Add a new layer and floodfill. Xero>fritillary with these settings- 5, 30, 10, 0. Copy/paste your close up tube, arrange how you like in the selction, Selections>invert. Hit delete on your keyboard. Xero>radiance at default settings. Change blend mode to hard light or whatever suits your tube. Deselect. Delete original layer.

Repeat the above steps with layer [2], except change your gradient angle to 135.

On layer [1], selections>select all, float, defloat. Add new layer and floodfill with color of choice. Adjust>add noise- Uniform, 30%, monochrome checked. Deselect, delete original layer.

On [wordart] layer, selections>select all, float, defloat. Add new layer, floodfill with same gradient. rename layer (I chose "base"). Selections>modify>select selection borders-outside, border width 2, anti-alias checked. Add new layer, flood fill with a color from your gradient. Deselect, delete wordart layer.

Now, on your 'base' layer, use your magic wand and click inside your P. Copy/paste a tube of choice. Selections>invert, on your keyboard hit delete. Repeat with each letter. Once done, merge your tube layers together. On your merged layer Effects>texture effects>blinds-width 2, opacity 36, horizontal and light from left/top checked. Change the blend mode to hard light, opacity 66.

Add your main tube. Duplicate. On top layer, Adjust>gaussian blur-radius 3. Change blend mode to overlay. Add drop shadow to original layer (2, 2, 50, 5)

Highlight background layer, add new layer and floodfill with a light color. Layers>new mask layer, from image. Apply mask, merge group. Adust>blur, gaussian blur, 3. I used my raster deform tool and sized it down a little.

Add name, apply glass with the "clear glass" setting. Drop shadow.

Add copyright and license info. Done!

Hope you liked the tut, you can send me your results to
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Supplies: I'm using a PTU scrapkit from Shani @ Wicked Princess Scraps. Visit her blog for info on how to purchase it.
The tube I'm using is by David Saavedra and can be found here. You must have a lisence to use his work.
For the background, I am using an image from, or you can use a paper from the kit 
The mask I got from here. It is #187 from Gems Taggin Scraps
Plug-ins used: Xero-Porcelain, Eye candy 4000- gradient glow
Font used- Blackjack

Start with a 600x600 canvas
Open and resize the elements as follows:
stool- 75% then 85%
door- 50%
champagne- 50% then 80%
boxes- 50%
rose candle- 30%
moon- 20%
Sharpen your elements after resizing (Adjust>sharpness>sharpen) and add a dropshadow of choice.
Reference my tag for placement of elements.
Add your image or paper for the background as the bottom layer.
Layers>New mask layer>from image. Choose your mask from the drop menu, "source luminace" selected, apply
Merge mask group and resize as needed using your raster deform tool
Sharpen if needed
Add your tube of choice. Duplicate. On top layer, Apply Xero>Porcelain default settins, with the blue channel around 43 or what looks good for your tube.
Sharpen the bottom layer and add drop shadow
Type the name, Adjust>add noise>50
Apply a fat gradien glow and slight dropshadow
Merge, resize if needed.
Add your copyright and save :)

Hope you enjoyed my tut, I'd love to see your results!
Sunday, February 13, 2011
For my first'll be an easy one :)

Supplies needed: 
Tube of choice- I'm using the awesome work of Keith Garvey which you can find here. You must have a lisence to use his work..don't use it without one!
FTU kit from Wicked Princess Scraps "Paddy O'Malley" found here.
Mask 6 from Leah's PSP Hideaway found here
Font of choice: MA Sexy
Plug-ins: Xero Radiance, Eye Candy 4000- glass & gradient glow

Ok, here goes nothing!!

I like to start on a 600x600 canvas and resize later.
-Open circle frame- Image>resize by 75%
-Using magic wand, click inside frame
-copy & paste paper 4 as a new layer
-selections>invert, hit delete on your keyboard
-Move paper layer below frame, deselect
-Effects>texture>blinds with these settings:
Width 2, Opacity 36, color White, both boxes checked
-Copy & paste your tube of choice as the top layer and duplicate
-on the top layer, apply Xero-Radiance using default settings, but move the beauty to around 180. Change the blend mode to soft light. Merge down.
-Duplicate tube layer again, and move one of the layers below your frame
-using your eraser tool, erase the excess on bottom of both tube layers so it looks like she is coming out of the frame
-add dropshadow to bottom tube layer
-add elements of choice, adding drop shadows as you go. I chose:
rosejasminecluster resized 40%
doodle resized 80%
golden bow resized 50%
-highlight your bottom layer, copy & paste paper 15 as a new layer
-Layer>new mask layer>from image, find your mask and apply with "source luminance" selected
-Layers>merge>merge group
-use your raster deform tool and resize mask a bit
-crop and resize your tag if needed
-add © and your info- I like to add mine after I resize so it's still legible
-add your name, apply Eye Candy 4000 glass (play around with it to find a setting you like) and a fat gradient glow. 
-Save your tag :)

Hope you enjoyed my first ever tut! I'd love to see your results :)  

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