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Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Kit- "Desperation" by Farrahs Designer Scraps available at Designer Scraps here
Tube- Tatjana Willms at DSI here. You must have a valid license to use this work
Mask- WSL_Mask 65 here
Font- Shit Happens, a FTU font here
Here we go, this will be a quick one :)
Open a new canvas 650x650
c/p paper of choice onto canvas
layers>new mask layer>from image
apply mask, merge group
c/p frame1 onto canvas
using your magic wand tool, click inside frame
selections>modify>expand by 5
Resize paper of choice and c/p as a new layer under frame
hit delete on your keyboard
deselect, drop shadow your frame
c/p mesh behind frame so it shows around the sides
c/p leaves as a new layer below frame, place in upper right corner
duplicate, flip, mirror leaves, rotate right about 40 degrees
place in bottom left corner of frame
c/p weed3 as a new layer behind frame
duplicate and mirror
Add tube of choice as a new layer above frame
add drop shadow of choice
Decorate your tag with elements
I used:
flower- duplicate and resized various times
crop and resize your tag
add copyright and license info
add name and any text
merge, save, enjoy :)
Thank you for trying my tut. If you have any questions, or would like to show me your results, please email me:
Labels:Designer Scraps,PTU tut | 0
Monday, August 29, 2011
Tube- You'll want a tube that comes with a close up. I used Alicia Mujica available at PTE here. You must request a special license to use the same tube.
Texture- texture 17 from pack 2 here
Plug Ins- Mura Meister>copies, DSB Flux>Bright Noise
optional->VTR, L en K>Mayra
Animation Shop
Here we go :)
Open a new canvas, I like my banners 600x200
Pick 2 colors from your tube and create a foreground/background gradient
angle 210, repeat 1, linear
Duplicate and apply L en K>Myra:
0, 109, 149, 24
change blend mode to Screen, opacity 75
Activate your selection tool, rectangle
select half the banner and delete the side that will have your bars
Add texture of choice above your half layer
change blend mode to overlay, opacity 52
Activate your preset shapes rectangle tool
foreground null, background color doesn't matter
you're going to delete this layer anyway
Draw a rectangle the length of your banner a little left of center
Mura Meisters>copies:
If you are doing your bars on the other side, then just change the Shift X to 100
Make sure your bar layer is activated
selections>select all>float>defloat
c/p close up of tube onto canvas, and position over bars
delete, deselect
With close up tube layer activated,
change blend mode to Luminance (L) or whatever you like best :)
Apply>VTR, default settings
Highlight bars layer again
Selections>modify>select selection borders
Both sides, border width 2, anti-alias checked
add a new raster layer, move above tube close up
flood fill with same gradient as before, but change repeats to 3
add a drop shadow to the close up tube bars (2, 2, 65, 7)
Add main tube of choice
adjust>blur>gaussian blur 3
blend mode screen, opacity 68
drop shadow bottom tube layer
crop your banner
Highlight your bottom layer
selections>select all>float>defloat
selections>modify>select selection borders
Inside, width 4, anti-alias checked
add new layer, move to top
flood fill with color of choice (I chose a lighter color for contrast)
Add a slight drop shadow (1, 1, 50, 2 then -1, -1, 50, 2)
Now repeat the steps above, but change the border width to 2
flood fill that new layer with the same gradient as before
move to the top
Add your copy right and license info
add name and any text
To animate:
Duplicate your top border layer and the bars border layer so you have 3 of each
I renamed each of those layers 1, 2 and 3 so I wouldn't get confused ;p
Close out layers 2&3
On both of the 1 layers, apply DSB>Flux, 65, Mix
copy merged
Over to AS and paste as a new animation
Back to PSP
close out both of the 1 layers, open the 2 layers
Re-apply DSB>Flux, but hit Mix again before applying
Back to AS
Paste after current layer
Back to PSP
close out both of the 2 layers, open the 3 layers
Re-apply DSB>Flux, but hit Mix again before applying
back to AS
Paste after current layer
View animation
if you're happy, save as a GIF file :)
Thank you for trying my tutorial. If you have any questions or would like to show me your results, please email me:
Labels:animated,Forum Set,FTU tut,No Scrap | 0
Kit- "The Summer Garden" by A Taggers Scrap. Visit her blog here for where to purchase this bright, summery kit!
Tube- Elias Chatzoudis, available for purchase at PTE. You must have a valid license to use this tube
Mask- HorsePlay's Pasture Mask 27 here
font of choice
Here we go :o)
Resize and add drop shadows as you go along. Save often!
Open a 650x650 canvas
c/p paper of choice onto work space
layers>new mask layer>from image
apply mask, merge group
add door frame and place in center of canvas
c/p deco 6 on left side of door frame
duplicate and mirror
c/p word art 2 behind door frame
duplicate and repositon
c/p lemon and lime on either side of door frame
c/p flower 2 behind lemon, duplicate and mirror
c/p garden fence above lemon and lime
add main tube of choice
duplicate layer
adjust>blur>gaussian blur 3
change blend mode to screen, opacity 44
change blend mode to soft light, opacity 64
Now surround your tube with flowers, bows, and elements
I used:
fern-duplicate 2x
bow 10
bird house
flowers 1, 5, 7, 9, 13, 14, 16
crop and resize tag
add license and copyright info
add name and any text
merge, save, enjoy!
Thank you for trying out my tutorial. If you have any questions or would like to show me your results, please email me:
Labels:A Tagger's Scrap,PTU tut | 3
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Kit- "Black Hearted" by Designs by Silky available at Scrap-U-Nique here
Tube- I'm using a tube by Vinegar, which is available at PTE. You must a valid license to use this work
Mask- ta7- part of the grunge mask pack from Creative Misfits Creations here
Font- Devil's Breeze
Plug Ins- EC4>Smoke
Animation Shop
Here we go :)
c/p paper 4 onto canvas
Layers>new mask layer>from image
apply mask, merge group
c/p and resize frame 06
using your magic wand tool, click inside the frame
selections>modify>expand by 5
c/p paper 02 under frame
hit delete on your keyboard
resize and c/p tube of choice above frame
duplicate and move one copy under frame
using your eraser, get rid of parts of the top layer
you want her to look like she's coming out the frame
drop shadow the bottom layer
now open element 61, resize
duplicate and mirror, place on either side of frame
open element 51, resize
duplicate and mirror and place under frame
open element 06 and place under flowers
C/p the following elements above the frame, but under the top tube layer:
37- duplicate, mirror
41- duplicate, mirror
15- duplicate, mirror
31- duplicate, mirror
Add these elements above the top tube layer:
01- duplicate, mirror
55- duplicate, reposition (don't mirror or the words will be backwards, lol)
crop and resize your tag
add copyright and license
add any name and text.
If you aren't going to animate, save now :)
To animate:
highlight your top tube layer
activate your pen tool. set foreground color to black
Draw a line at the bottom of the tag where you want the bottom of your smoke to be
convert to raster layer
Copy Merged
Paste as a new animation in animation shop
Back to PSP, edit>undo
EC4>smoke, hit "random seed"
Copy Merged
Paste after current frame in AS
Back to PSP, edit>undo
EC4>smoke, random seed
Copy Merged
Paste after current frame in AS
edit>select all
animation>frame properties
change to 29 or whatever you like
view animation
When you're happy with how it looks, save as GIF :)
Thanks for trying my tut. If you have any questions or would like to show me your results, please email me:
Labels:PTU tut,Scrap-U-Nique | 1 comments
This is a tag I made with a very fun kit called "This Is Me" by Shani at Wicked Princess Scraps. It was inspired by a friend's daughter, and is filled with 92 unique elements and 12 papers.
Visit her blog here for info on where you can purchase this kit!
Labels:PTU tut,Wicked Princess Scraps | 0
Thursday, August 25, 2011
kit- "Summer at the Shore" by Jo at A Tagger's Scrap here
tube- I'm using The Hunter, when he was available at PTE. I'm not too sure where he is selling now. Feel free to substitute with a mermaid or beachy tube of choice :)
Mask- Vix_BigMask004 here
Font of choice
Here we go :)
Open paper 5, c/p onto canvas
layers>new mask layer>from image
apply mask, merge group
c/p frame 5
click inside frame using your magic wand tool
selections>modify>expand by 5
c/p paper 1 under frame
hit delete on your keyboard
c/p tube close up under frame
hit delete
change blend mode of your tube close up to dodge, opacity 46
add main tube of choice
on top layer apply gaussian blur at 3
change blend mode to screen, opacity 58
decorate your tag with elements
flower 3- duplicate/mirror
grass- duplicate/mirror
water drops
starfish 3
bottle 2
Crop and resize your tag
add copyright and license info
add name and any text
merge, save, enjoy :)
Thank you for trying my tut. If you have any questions or would like to show me your results, please email me:
Labels:A Tagger's Scrap,FTU tut | 0
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Kit- "Midnight Escape" by Jens Sweet Temptations available at Lollipops N Gumdrops here
Tube- Janna Prosvirina available at DSI. You must purchase this tube and have a valid license to use it.
Mask- Mask30 from Digital Indulgence here
Template- temp 6 at Amy & Leah's Gimptastic Tuts here
Font- Ithornet, a FTU font here
Here we go :)
Open template, ctrl+d, close out original
delete credit layer
Move rect 3 layer under rect 2 layer
highlight rect 2 layer and merge down
Working from the bottom up, replace each template layer with papers
To do this:
highlight template layer
selections>select all>float>defloat
c/p paper of choice onto canvas
hit delete on the paper layer
I used:
sm circles- paper 5
lrg circle- paper 8
merged rect layers- paper 7
rect 1- paper 6
For each back layer, I added noise at 65%
Add your tube of choice
apply dropshadow
highlight your large rectangle layer
selections>select all>float>defloat
highlight your tube layer
use your eraser to get rid of any part of the tube you don't want outside the rectangle
Decorate your tag with elements:
bling 1
bfly1-rotate 15 degrees, duplicate/resize/mirror
flower 2- duplicate, re-position
Add paper 6 as a new layer at the very bottom
layers>new mask layer>from image
apply mask, merge group
duplicate and rotate 90 degrees
crop and resize your tag
add copyright and license info
add name and any text
merge, save, enjoy :)
Thank you for trying my tut. If you have any questions or would like to show me your results, please email me:
Labels:Lollipops N Gumdrops,PTU tut | 0
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
*click tag to view animation*
Kit- "The Dark Side" by Lysiras Graphic World available at Twilight Scraps here
Tube- Zindy Nielsen available here
Mask- gemsmask189 here
Font of choice
Plug Ins- Greg's Factory Output II>pool shadow
Animation Shop
Here we go :)
c/p paper 03 onto canvas
layers>new mask layer>from image
apply mask, merge group
add frame 06 to canvas
using your magic wand tool, click inside frame
selections>modify>expand by 5
c/p paper 01 as a new layer under frame
hit delete on your keyboard
add tube of choice below frame
hit delete on your keyboard
add elements of choice
I used:
satin curl 01- flip, duplicate, mirror
swag 02
gargoyle 02
goblet 02
candle 02
candle 01
merge and resize your tag
add copyright, license, name and text
Highlight the mask layer
Greg's factory output 2>pool shadow:
Edit>copy merged
Head over to animation shop
paste as a new animation
Back to PSP
Repeat pool shadow, but change Diagonal to 90
Over to animation shop
paste after current frame
Back to PSP
Repeat pool shadow, diagonal at 120
Paste after current frame in AS
Select all, animation >frame properties @ 20
preview, and if you're happy, save as GIF file
Thank you for trying my tut. If you have any questions or would like to show me your results, please email me:
Labels:animated,PTU tut,Twilight Scraps | 0
Monday, August 22, 2011
Kit- "Bulletproof" by Designs by LK available at Designer Scraps here
Tube- Ismael Rac available here. You must purchase this tube and have a valid license to use it
Mask- ta7 from the Creative Misfit blog here
Template- plaintemplate1bybrutaldesigns here
Font- Arkitex a FTU font here
Here we go :)
Open your template
Ctrl+d, close out original
delete credit layer
resize your template if you like
increase your canvas size so you have room to work
Replace template layers with papers from the kit:
selections>select all>float>defloat
c/p paper onto canvas
hit delete on your keyboard
delete original layer
For each layer I used:
blk circle- paper 9
pink circle bottom- paper 6
blue rec- paper 8
pink circle top-paper 7
grey square- paper 4
Highlight your top circle layer
add close up of tube
hit delete on tube
change blend mode to hard light
Add elements of choice
I used:
bead string
piano wavy
cassette tape-rotate 15 degrees
glitter splotch
music note pink
disco ball
ribbon 1
button 2
star 4
Add main tube of choice
on top layer:
blur>gaussian blur 3
blend mode soft light, opacity 85
drop shadow bottom tube layer
crop and resize tag
add copyright and license info
add name and any text
merge, save, enjoy!
Thank you for trying my tut. If you have any questions or would like to send me your results, please email me:
Labels:Designer Scraps,PTU tut | 0
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